Hot/Cold Stimulus Workshop for Sanctuary Wellness Spa
This workshop is designed to optimize hormones and increase health at a level that most people have never experienced.
Hot/Cold stimulus training is a magical style of training – it lacks all of the destructive mechanisms involved in cardiovascular training yet contains all the benefits.
Deliberate hot/cold contrast training massively up-regulates the production of HGH, testosterone, and nor-epinephrine while simultaneously decreasing the stress hormone cortisol.
In this workshop we will guide the participants through a highly effective protocol first conducted way back in 1986 that showed improvements of HGH 16-fold the participants’ normal level.
We will teach participants how to reap the benefits of such upregulated hormones on a regular occasion using Heat, and in this case the immediate stimulus of cold exposure as well. This workshop will be built around education but supported through deliberate experience.
Kaitlyn and Trenton have been regularly using saunas and ice-baths for over 4 years and have experimented with many different techniques. The improvements they have seen metabolically, mentally, emotionally, and hormonally have changed our lives in massive ways.
Each participant will be evaluated on their metabolic health by Kaitlyn and Trenton. A couple questions to evaluate each persons acclimation to heat and a quick judgment on their overall health to determine the length of time each participant should spend in the heat
& cold.
- While the saunas warm-up Kaitlyn and Trenton will provide the description of the event, the benefits of the event and regular sauna use.
- They will conduct the individual health assessments on each participant and walk everyone through a quick breathwork routine to prepare them for the hot/cold contrast session.
- They will have each person set an alarm for the time they specify and once that time is up they will come out of the sauna, and head to the ice tub where Kaitlyn and Trenton will guide them through a plunge into the ice, a full body submersion, and then a 20 second to 1 minute soak (depending on the participants health). While they soak they will be guided through a Wim Hoff style breathing session.
- After your plunge you will dry off and head back into the sauna for another round. While drying off, you will be offered mineralized water and motivation 😊.
- The final sauna time for each individual shall be right around 1 hour.
- Upon each individuals’ last plunge (the final plunge will be the longest) we will do a group breathwork session, and have a short share/feedback session.
- Participants will indulge in a cacao offering and then head over to Fresh From the Farm Juices for lunch. Ankit will have special pricing for all participants!
$100 per person
$150 per couple (you will share a sauna)
Fresh From the Farm lunch special not included in price. That is paid separate upon ordering lunch.
Trenton is a Gym Owner, a published Author, a personal trainer, a group fitness trainer, and a Sauna and Ice-plunge enthusiast.
Kaitlyn is a Gym Owner, a published Author, a Reiki Healer, a Yoga instructor, a group fitness instructor, and also a Sauna and Ice-plunge enthusiast.
Together they wrote a health and wellness book titled “Awakening the Tranquil Warrior” and they are both wrapping up the finishing touches to new books to debut late winter early spring. One in particular has to do with natural hormone optimization and hot/cold contrast training works right into that.
They both own and operate Energy Fitness Studio in Washington Pa, they both teach classes there and other wellness facilities.
Kaitlyn and Trenton both are avid readers and researchers on holistic and ancestral health. They have three children and a deep love for helping others achieve their greatest health.
Ancestral stressors like that of extreme temperature exposure are marvelous hormone enhancers. Specifically in the case of lowering cortisol levels, balancing the circadian rhythm, increasing metabolism and testosterone, and increasing human growth hormone immensely.
Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and while it is a necessary human hormone it is also the reason for much of the worlds anxiety, depression, and weight gain. As its over production keeps the body in a state of fight or flight, meaning that the other important processes that the body needs to perform are put on the back burner and things like healing, growth, and creativity are left for the rare days that a modern person gets adequate sleep, a proper meal, and exercise.
There are a few ways to limit cortisol production such as meditation, grounding, exercise, and of course hot and/or cold exposure.
The circadian rhythm is important, that is well known, but did you know that hacking our body’s core temperature through skin exposure, either direction (hot/cold), helps to balance our sleep/wake cycle in a very beneficial way. Increasing our quality of sleep, which in turn increases HGH and testosterone, while lowering day-time cortisol levels. Proper sleep is a must and sauna and/or cold exposure help to regulate it.
Deliberate hot and cold exposure stimulates an increase in metabolism, and we all know the benefits of that. It also helps to turn white fat into beige fat, which also increases our metabolism. While doing this our natural levels of testosterone (which is a marvelous hormone for both men and women when considering metabolic function, muscle hypertrophy, and staving off atrophy) will increase as well.
The big hormone that is effected to the highest extent doing the routine that we are going to do is human growth hormone. Most people know that hgh makes you look and feel younger. It also plays massive roles in metabolism and more importantly in healing. HGH although touted for is ability to make things grow, it is most beneficial for people outside of puberty in terms of recovery, rejuvenation, and overall healing.
The process that we will be following was seen to increase human growth hormone up to 16 times regular levels.
The quick list of benefits that you will derive from hot/cold therapy are practically identical as one another but when you combine the two you increase those benefits on a large scale.
Benefits include:
• Improved circulation
• Reduced Pain
• Reduced inflammation
• Reduced soreness
• Decreased Swelling
• Decrease in anxiety and depression
• Increase in Energy and Alertness
• Elevated Mood
• Increase metabolism
• Increase muscular hypertrophy
• Decreased muscular atrophy
• Increased mental toughness
• Increased Immune function
• Increased mineral absorption
• The mitochondrial electron-chain-transfer speed is increased (inducing mitochondrial genesis, increasing mitochondrial efficiency)
Essentially, overall resilience is increased from the mitochondrial level all the way to what you see in the mirror.